Panoramic view of Old Main and Acklie Hall of Science.
Your Gifts in Action

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University Advancement
Nebraska Wesleyan University
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2124

Your Gifts in Action

Thanks to the support of generous alumni, parents and friends, Nebraska Wesleyan can continue providing students one-of-a-kind liberal arts experiences in a community that cares about their success. No matter who you are or what you’re passionate about, there’s a way for you to make a positive impact at NWU. 



“Giving Day and philanthropy are important to me because it is a chance to help ensure that future students are able to have some of the amazing and life-changing experiences that I have had at NWU.” – Trevor Linn (’23)

Finding Her Voice

Han Le

Just four years ago, Han Le (’22) hated science classes and knew almost no English. Today, she is a biochemistry and molecular biology major who speaks English not just fluently but eloquently.

Transferable Skills

Rhonda Lahm

There is a particular Nebraska Wesleyan memory that has stayed with Rhonda (Remus) Lahm (’80) over the years, and it involves a dog named Spot.

Washington Memories


We recently reached out to NWU alumni who participated in CHIP (Capitol Hill Internship Program), formerly known as the Washington Semester.

Peace of Mind

David Peace
David Peace
David Peace is not your traditional Nebraska Wesleyan alumnus. For one thing, he started classes at 63 years old and finished at 74.

A Familiar Tune

Cecelia Hastreiter
Cecelia Hastreiter (’19) has been singing since before she could talk. At least that’s what she’s been told. For as long as she can remember, music has flowed through her veins and lit up her heart.