Year-end Purchase Procedures

Year-end Purchase Procedures

All items purchased or ordered must be received by May 31, 2022, to be charged to the current fiscal year (2021-2022 ending May 31, 2022). Even though you may have ordered items with a purchase order before year-end, the merchandise must be received on or before May 31, 2022, to be charged to the current year. Any conference or travel must take place on or before May 31, 2022, to be charged to the current year.

Purchase Order Cut-off
After Wednesday, May 11, 2022, purchase orders will not be processed unless special arrangements are made with bdahl [at] (Ben Dahl) (2183).

Credit Card Purchases
Purchases with a department credit card will be charged to the current fiscal year if the purchased items are actually received on or before May 31, 2022. If you order something using a credit card and the merchandise is shipped to NWU, the merchandise will need to be on campus on or before May 31, 2022. If you are paying for travel, lodging or registration fees, the travel, lodging or event must take place before year-end to be charged to the current fiscal year.

NOTE: When completing your April and May credit card statements, please mark with a highlighter and note on the statement print-out any charges that need to be charged to fiscal 22-23. We will make sure these entries are posted in the new fiscal year.

Request for Payment Cut-off
You can submit Request for Payment forms for fiscal 2021-2022 purchases up until 10:00 a.m., June 15, 2022. Any request for payments received after June 15, 2022, will be charged to the new year's budget regardless of when the purchase was made. All invoices for purchases/expenditures charged to fiscal 21-22 need to be paid by June 15, 2022.

Purchase Orders for 2022-2023
If you need to request a Purchase Order for the new fiscal year you can request it as usual; however, if you are requesting the P.O. before year-end, please indicate at the top of the form that it is for the "2022-2023 fiscal year."

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact bdahl [at] (Ben Dahl) (2183) or cogorzol [at] (Carol Ogorzolka) (7513).