Female student looking at a large monitor surrounded by cubicles with large monitors.
Retirement of nwu-legacy wireless network begins 1/31.

Retirement of nwu-legacy wireless network begins 1/31.


Effective Wednesday, January 31st, CSIT will begin the process of “retiring” the nwu-legacy wireless network.  The nwu-legacy wireless network was originally created to provide a secure, authenticated wireless network functioning in the 2.4GHz band to support computers with older network interface cards which were unable to use our preferred 5 GHz eduroam or nwu-wifi wireless network.  Over time, we have seen increasingly fewer such devices joining the nwu-legacy network.

The first step in the process of retiring the nwu-legacy network will be to remove it from the advertisement of available, visible wireless networks.  Computers and mobile devices which have already connected to the nwu-legacy network should continue to connect as before.  New connections from computers or mobile devices which have not previously connected, however, will no longer display the wireless network as an option.

 The next step in the retirement of the nwu-legacy wireless network will come near the end of the semester as we decommission the network entirely for all connections.  If your wireless device is currently joined to the nwu-legacy network, we encourage you to take this opportunity to move the device connection to either the eduroam (preferred) or to the nwu-wifi wireless network.  Instructions for joining devices to the eduroam and nwu-wifi networks are available on the CSIT Helpdesk at https://support.nebrwesleyan.edu .

If you run into issues, please feel free to stop by Smith-Curits 109 for help.

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