Janelle Andreini sits across from a female student in the Career Center.
Helping Your Student

Contact or visit us

Career Center
Roy G. Story Student Center, Lower Level
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504-2794
(402) 465-2224
career [at] nebrwesleyan.edu (career[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Drop-In Hours (academic year only)
Resume/Cover Letter only
Tuesdays, 1 - 3 p.m.
Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - noon
Thursdays, 3 - 5 p.m.

Helping Your Student

At NWU’s Career Center, students receive assistance developing their career plan through aligning their interests, values and skills with their major, experiences and future goals. Through one-on-one appointments, our trained career counselors can help students explore options, conduct a job/internship search, create a resume/cover letter, practice interviewing skills, apply to graduate/professional schools and much more. We sincerely hope that your student will take advantage of these services early and often to enhance their educational experience and career readiness upon graduation.

Starting the Conversation

Family members are identified as the primary source of career information and encouragement for students. Begin the conversation now. Simply serving as a sounding board by listening and promoting exploration of career fields will allow your student to begin discovering their future career. For information on supporting your student, be sure to read through these helpful resources:

  A Parent’s Guide to Career Development

  4-Year Parent’s Guide

Locating Nebraska Wesleyan Alumni on LinkedIn

Want more information on our alumni? Use the Alumni tool on Nebraska Wesleyan University’s LinkedIn page. Narrow your search by major, industry or location. Our alumni love helping current students understand possible career options and your student can easily follow our information interview handout to start a conversation.

Connecting Through the Career Assistance Network

Our office maintains contact with our alumni. We provide current students with access to a network of alums dedicated to helping students set up job shadowing, informational interviews and more. In speaking to alumni, students gain valuable insight about potential career paths and get a hands-on perspective of a particular career.

Partner with Us

Is your organization recruiting talent? We’re always seeking to partner with local, regional, and national employers who have an interest in our students and alumni. Advertising full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities through our online job search platform, Handshake, comes at no cost to your organization. Visit our Employer Services page to learn more about how to begin building a relationship with the Career Center. 

What happens to NWU grads

A liberal arts education from Nebraska Wesleyan University launches our graduates around the world. Our distinguished alumni work across the globe from representing international companies, to founding local nonprofits. Here are just a few highlights from our 2022-2023 first destination survey:


Reported employment or grad school acceptance


Reported earning a salary of $42,000 or more


Were enrolled in graduate or professional schools


Frequently Asked Questions

When should my student start visiting the Career Center?

We encourage students to visit at least once during their first semester to begin exploring opportunities, even if they are certain of their major or future career. Career counselors can help students through discussing their personal interests, recommending coursework, and providing major exploration materials. We also can help students begin planning their next few years in gaining experiences, discussing campus involvement, and exploring additional opportunities.

What should my student major in?

Choosing a major can be a stressful part of college and your student should be aware of the options available to them. In selecting a college major, students should know majors often do not translate to a specific career field. The NWU Career Center encourages students to take a variety of courses and then choose a major based on what they find best suits their interests, skills, and values.

What if my student does not know what they want to do?

Send them our way! By working with our trained career counselors, your student will get their questions answered so they can feel confident with their future plans. We have a variety of tools and resources to facilitate this process.

To assist with this process, you may want to begin asking some probing questions to your student that give insight into their interests, skills, and values. For instance:

  • What are you most excited to learn about in college?
  • What accomplishment thus far are you most proud of?
  • How do you define “meaningful work”?

Help them to see what situations bring out their best, and what natural qualities they have that make them stand apart from their peers.

How can my student meet potential employers?

Throughout the school year, companies come to campus to recruit students for a variety of part-time and full-time positions and internships. Employers will set up a booth on campus, attend our career networking event, speak to classes and organizations, and/or conduct interviews. Our version of a career fair, “Backpack to Briefcase,” is a career networking event with over 40 employers looking to hire NWU students for a variety of part-time and full-time positions and internships.

Is the Career Center where students go to get on-campus jobs?

While we can help students locate postings for on-campus employment, the Financial Aid Office coordinates all on-campus employment and determines student eligibility. Their office is in Smith Curtis 207 and can be reached at financialaid [at] nebrwesleyan.edu (financialaid[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or (402) 465-2167.

What is the Career Center’s job placement rate?

The NWU Career Center, along with most career centers today, is not a placement/employment agency. Students are not required to visit our career center, and we do not “place” them in positions. Rather, we assist students with their post-graduation plans by teaching them how to think about their career path long-term, including how to conduct a job/internship search, how to tailor their resumes and cover letters, and workshopping their interview skills.

What should my student major in if they want to go pre-medicine or pre-law?

Students can major in ANYTHING, but they should know that each program may require certain prerequisite courses to apply (e.g., many pre-medical programs require anatomy and physiology, biology, and chemistry, to name a few). NWU alumni from a variety of majors have gone on to become lawyers, medical doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers. Several resources are available in our office for students interested in this path.