Physics (B.S.)

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Physics Department
Robert Fairchild, Ph.D., CHP, Dept. Chair
326L Acklie Hall of Science
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2253
rwf [at] (rwf[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Physics (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science degree is designed for those students pursuing employment or further education in physics or engineering

Courses 26 hours
Physics Major (B.S., 33 hours)
PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I or
PHYS 2000 General Physics I
4 hours
PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II or
PHYS 2100 General Physics II
4 hours
PHYS 2200 Electronic Measurements 4 hours
PHYS 2400 Introduction to Modern Physics 4 hours
PHYS 3000 Mechanics
PHYS 3100 Electromagnetism and Optics
4 hours
PHYS 3800 Advanced Laboratory 2 hours
PHYS 4000 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 4100 Thermal and Statistical Physics
4 hours
Physics Electives 5 hours

Physics electives must be taken from PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I or above.

Capstone 2 hours
PHYS 4950 Independent Study 2 hours
Required Supporting Program 25 hours
An approved supporting program of 25 hours from the Natural and Health Sciences Division is required, possibly including one or more minors or a second major.  


PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I (4 hours)

The principles of classical mechanics, energy and motion designed for majors in the natural and health sciences. Algebra and trigonometry will be used in descriptions and problems.Three two-hour workshop sessions per week.Students may not receive credit for both PHYS 1600 and PHYS 2000 General Physics I.
Prerequisite(s): A grade of "C" or better in MATH 1470 Trigonometry or MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus or MATH 1600 Calculus I or a MATH ACT score of 27 or permission of the instructor.

(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II (4 hours)

A continuation of PHYS 1600 with emphasis on waves, sound, electricity, magnetism, and electronics.
Three two-hour workshop sessions per week.
Students may not receive credit for both PHYS 1700 and PHYS 2100 General Physics II.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
PHYS 2000 General Physics I (4 hours)

An introduction to classical mechanics, energy and motion designed for majors in physics, mathematics, and closely related sciences. Elements of calculus will be used in descriptions and problems.
Three two-hour workshop sessions per week.
Students may not receive credit for both PHYS 1600 Principles of Physics I and PHYS 2000.
Pre or Corequisite(s): MATH 1500 Calculus for Management, Biological, and Social Sciences or MATH 1600 Calculus I or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
PHYS 2100 General Physics II (4 hours)

A continuation of PHYS 2000 with emphasis on waves, sound, electricity, magnetism, and electronics.
Three two-hour workshop sessions per week.
Students may not receive credit for both PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II and PHYS 2100.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2000 General Physics I.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Natural Science Laboratory
PHYS 2200 Electronic Measurements (4 hours)

An integrated treatment of analog and digital circuits and measurements using the techniques of solid state electronics and integrated circuits. Emphasis is placed on laboratory techniques.
Three lectures per week.
One laboratory per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II or PHYS 2100 General Physics II, and MATH 1600 Calculus I or permission of instructor.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

PHYS 2400 Introduction to Modern Physics (4 hours)

An introduction to modern physics: the post-Newtonian developments of quantum mechanics and Einsteinian relativity, with focus on special relativity, the atomic and nuclear structure of matter, and the foundations of quantum physics. Principles of modern physics will be approached through the contexts of the historical developments and classic experiments that brought them to light. The laboratory experience incorporates experiments and computer-based investigations, with emphasis on the development of laboratory skills including detectors and measurement techniques, laboratory journaling, data analysis, and reporting of results. Practical aspects of nuclear radiation detection and safety will also be covered.
Three lectures per week.
One laboratory per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II or PHYS 2100 General Physics II, and MATH 1610 Calculus II or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Innovation Thread
PHYS 3000 Mechanics (4 hours)

An advanced study of the mechanics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies, with an emphasis on Newton's laws, conservation of energy, and conservation of linear and angular momentum. The behavior of moving, rotating, and oscillating systems will be studied, using both analytical and numerical approaches. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms will be introduced as complementary to Newtonian mechanics. Vector calculus will be developed and used as needed.
Three lectures per week.
One recitation per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II or PHYS 2100 General Physics II; MATH 1610 Calculus II and computer programming skills or permission of the instructor.
Corequisite(s): MATH 2600 Calculus III or MATH 3100 Differential Equations.

(Normally offered alternate fall semesters.)

PHYS 3100 Electromagnetism and Optics (4 hours)

This course builds upon the foundation of electromagnetism and optics developed in introductory physics, and the quantum nature of photons introduced in modern physics. Topics include electrostatic forces, fields, and potentials; magnetic forces on charges and currents; magnetic fields produced by steady currents; light as an oscillating electromagnetic field; polarization of light; ray tracing of optical systems; optical interference; and electric, magnetic, and optical properties of matter. Vector calculus will be developed and heavily used.
Three lectures per week.
One recitation per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1700 Principles of Physics II or  PHYS 2100 General Physics II, MATH 1610 Calculus II, and computer programming skills or permission of the instructor.
Corequisite(s): MATH 2600 Calculus III or MATH 3100 Differential Equations.

(Normally offered alternate fall semesters.)

PHYS 3800 Advanced Laboratory (1-4 hours)

An advanced laboratory in which students extend and amplify the work of other courses. Work may be chosen in electrical measurements, physical optics, modern physics, or other areas of mutual interest.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor and approval of the department chair.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
PHYS 4000 Quantum Mechanics (4 hours)

An introduction to fundamental concepts and topics in quantum mechanics. Topics include the Schrödinger equation, wave functions, probability, the uncertainty principle, stationary states, one-dimensional potentials, Hilbert space and formal operator methods, the hydrogen atom, spin and angular momentum, and identical particles and entanglement. Analytical and computational solutions to the Schrödinger equation will be developed. Quantum information science and its applications will also be explored. mechanics. Topics include the Schrödinger equation, wave functions, probability, the uncertainty principle, stationary states, one-dimensional potentials, Hilbert space and formal operator methods, the hydrogen atom, spin and angular momentum, and identical particles and entanglement. Analytical and computational solutions to the Schrödinger equation will be developed. Quantum information science and its applications will also be explored.

Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2400 Introduction to Modern Physics, CMPSC 1100 Python Programming I and MATH 2600 Calculus III or MATH 3100 Differential Equations. 
(Normally offered even spring semesters.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Innovation Thread
PHYS 4100 Thermal and Statistical Physics (4 hours)

An introduction to classical and statistical thermodynamics. Topics include the ideal gas equation of state, the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, the thermodynamic identity, engines and refrigerators, the thermodynamic potentials, and classical and quantum distribution functions. Vector calculus will be developed and heavily used.
Three lectures per week.
One recitation per week.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2400 Introduction to Modern Physics and MATH 2600 Calculus III or MATH 3100 Differential Equations and computer programming skills or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered alternate spring semesters.)

PHYS 4950 Independent Study (1-12 hours)

Individual research projects of a creative nature for qualified physics students. Projects may be of a theoretical or experimental nature. Independent study may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor and approval of the department chair.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive